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Peter Crane: We can say a certain amount about plant evolution by studying living plants. But if we really want to, kind of, calibrate the tempo of [---1---], we need to test our ideas from living plants based on direct evidence from the past.

You're listening to Sir Peter Crane at the University of Chicago. As a paleobotanist, he studies the deep [---2---] between fossilized and living plants.

Peter Crane: Most recently, we've been working on a small flower from, about 120 million years ago. [---3---] And they basically corroborate the idea that this thing is close to a modern water lily.

Crane said water lilies and their ancestors have been adapting to changes on Earth since the [---4---] roamed, over a hundred million years ago. But he said today, many water lily species are endangered due to climate change and other human activity.

Peter Crane: We are blips in the grand scheme of biological evolution on this planet. And that ought to give us pause for thought, and it ought to put present day [---5---] into some, sort of broader context.



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