返回 【四级听力天天练】第十三期 (3/7)



Conversation One
W: Good afternoon, Western Holiday Inn. May I help you?
M: Yes. I’d like to book a room, please.
W: Certainly. When are you planning to live, sir?
M: March the 3rd. Wait a moment. Sorry! Let me see, err, it’s March 13.
W: How long will you be staying?
M: Four nights. Oh, no, let me see my schedule again. Sorry, it’s three nights.
W: Nothing. What kind of room would you like?
M: ____1____
W: I’ll just check what we have available.
We only have a room with shower and beside the sea and a room with bath, but without sea view. Which one would you like?
M: It’s a difficult decision. ____2____
W: 315 Yuan with breakfast, and 305 Yuan without breakfast. And car parking is free and on-line computer doesn’t charge you too.
M: With breakfast would be better.
W: Who’s booking for, sir?
M: Ms and Mr. Lloyd. It’s L-L-O-Y-D.
W: OK, let me make sure: Ms and Mr. Lloyd, three nights, 315 per night and with shower.
M: Right. Thank you. When should I pay and how?
W: If you pay by credit card on-line today, we will offer you air-ticket package. ____3____
M: I think I will pay by credit card on-line right now.
W: Thank you for choosing Western Holiday Inn and have a nice day!

Conversation Two
W: Hey, Tom, have you prepared for the psychology exam next week?
M: ____4____
W: Tom, help me out. I’m not prepared yet; can you pass your answers to me then?
M: Don’t kid me. It is impossible. Besides, don’t take any chances.
W: If you can help me, I will treat you anywhere you like.
M: You are going too far.
W: The subject is murdering!
M: ____5____
W: Oh, no. What should I do now?
M: Don’t worry! I will help you go over the lessons from tonight.
W: Thank you very much. How about we meet at the No. 2 classroom at 7∶30 tonight?
M: I’m afraid 7∶30 doesn’t work. 7∶45 would be fine to me because I have geography class until 7∶30.
W: No problem! ____6____
M: I have no time after we learn psychology together. Why not ask for help from our teacher?
W: If I did what you said, I must start something.
M: Why?What’s the matter?
W: I skipped all classes except the math, and I’m fascinated at it.
M: That’s not good. It’s time I have to go, see you soon.
W: Thank you! See you.



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