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SCOTT: The president was labeled President Armageddon by "The Wall Street Journal" after his doom and gloom kind of statement. Is that an appropriate take?
POWERS: Well, I mean,___________________1__________________ . But I think it's right that it's not being -- they're not being called out for the claims that they're making including Jay Carney,___________________2__________________  and the Republicans want to keep, you know, take money away from babies, or you know, food out of babies' mouth ___________________3__________________, well, the Senate Democratic plan doesn't have anything in it about corporate tax, tax cuts for jets. -- So, I mean, it's just-- you're like, why, why doesn't he get called out on this?
CROWLEY: Right, and we've seen the hysteria before like going all the way back to the Reagan years, you know, we've seen the left scream that you know, our nuclear weapons aren't going to protect it. ___________________4__________________ -- it is the president's idea, it was the president's idea and yes, Congress did in fact move forward, but the president also signed it into law. And so, where is the accountability?___________________5__________________ , why does he propose it and why did he sign it?




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