返回 【老友记】S01E21 (08) 再见,小猴子




PA: This is the final boarding call for flight 67 to San Diego, boarding at gate 42A.
Phoebe: Okay. Good-bye, little monkey guy. Alright, I wrote you this poem. Okay, but don't eat it 'till you get on the plane.
Ross: Aww. Thank you, Aunt Phoebe.
Phoebe: Oh!
Chandler: Okay, bye, champ. Now, I know there's gonna be a lot of babes in San Diego, but remember, 1______.
Joey: I dunno what to say, Ross. Uh, it's a monkey.
Ross: Just, just say what you feel.
Joey: Marcel, I'm hungry.
Ross: That was good.
Rachel: (Brings Marcel a teddy bear) Marcel, 2______. It's, uh, just, y'know, something to, um, do on the plane.
Ross: Uh, 3______, I'd like to take a moment, just me and him.
All: Oh, sure. Sure, absolutely. (They just stand there, then realise what he means and go to the other end of the room)
Ross: Marcel, c'mere, c'mere. (He sits down and Marcel jumps down and sits beside him) Well buddy, this is it. There's just a coupla things I want to say. 4______, and I'm never gonna forget about you. You've been more than just a pet to me, you've been more like a be- (Marcel climbs down and starts humping his leg) Okay, Marcel, please, could you leave my leg alone? Could you just stop humping me for two seconds?! Marcel, would- okay, just take him away. Just take him.



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