返回 【高级口译真题】10年春秋季高级口译真题NTGF部分(4/4)


NTGF部分前三期为全文听写 ,最后一期为挖空听写。


Part A: Note-taking and Gap-filling 
Directions: In this part of the test you will hear a short talk. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE.While  listening  to  the  talk,  you  may  take  notes  on  the  important  points so  that you can have enough information to complete a gap-filling task on a separate ANSWER BOOKLET. You will not get your TEST BOOK and ANSWER BOOKLET until after you have listened to the talk.
Crime is such a fundamentally _______(1).The “broken windows" theory explain the rise and fall of cirme: If there’s a car sitting on the street with the broken window, it is an _______(2) to vandalize the car. No one is in _______(3).

This is a fundamentally different idea about _______(4). We have been repeatedly told that crime is the result of _______(5) failure, of something deep and _______(6) within the hearts and souls and brains of _______(7). But this theory holds that criminal is like all of us, someone who is in_______(8) to what's going on in the _______(9), and by making _______(10) changes in the environment, you can encourage and _______(11) much more socially _______(12) behavior.

Take the New York subway as an example. In the early 1980s the subway was a complete _______(13); crime rates were going through the _______(14). In order to clean up the subway, they do three things: picks up all the _______(15); cleans up the _______(16), and forbid turnstile _______(17). The subway starts to come around _______(18). All the sudden, everyone gets the message that someone's in charge, and somebody _______(19) about this. It’s not a space that _______(20) criminal behavior.


【高级口译】Unit 2-01 (1/2)



【高级口译听力第四版】Unit2 Part1 (1/3)


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