返回 【绯闻女孩】S03E01-1S女王的出现总会引来一场风暴



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H: Not to boast, but we haven't used a penny of it all summer.
J: Oh. Well, [---1---], right?
H: Oh, well, I'm glad I have the number for city harvest. This is all a little much.
D: A little much? XXXXXXX
S: Mom wanted everybody to feel welcome while she was away.
E: Or she's trying to bribe us.
H: What? No. In fact, she got us a special treat for tomorrow--A table in our name at Van der Bilt annual charity polo match in Greenwich.
Lily thought it would be fun. [---2---] Please show your family support by mimicking my expression.
D: You know, there'll probably be photographers there.
Are you gonna be okay? You might create another mob scene.
S: Oh, no, no. Yeah,I'll be--I'll be fine.
I'm really sorry about yesterday. I thought after
the whole arrest scandal, out of sight, out of mind.
I had no idea it would be worse when I got back.
H: Oh, [---3---], Serena. No one's blaming you. Now that those vultures have a first shot of your return, I'm sure they'll leave you alone. It's not like you're gonna get arrest again.
S: No,of course not. Um, I have to go meet Blair to go shopping. [---4---]


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