返回 【绯闻女孩】S06E10-5 GG原来是TA!









谁是Gossip Girl?! 谜底马上揭晓。





The Upper East Side was like something from Fitzgerald or Thackeray, teenagers acting like adults, adults acting like teenagers, guarding secrets, spreading gossip, all with the trappings of truly opulent wealth.

And membership in this community was so elite, you couldn't even buy your way in.

It was a birthright, a birthright I didn't have and my greatest achievements would never earn me.

All I had to compare to this world was what I'd read in books.

But that gave me the idea.


I'd overheard enough conversations to be able to mimic the language of the Constance girls, but every writer needs his muse.

And it wasn't until that photo of Serena in the white dress that I knew I had something strong enough to actually create a legend and launch a web site.

Within weeks, I was getting dozens of e-mails with stories about Upper East Siders, so I posted them anonymously.

And then I got more.

Oh, my God.

Before long it was a monster.

Everyone was sending tips.

I am so glad Gossip Girl finally got her balls back.

And when Serena came back from boarding school I wrote my first post about me. Lonely Boy, the outsider, the underdog.

I might've been a joke, but at least people were talking about me.




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