返回 【实习医生格蕾】女实习医生格蕾第一季第七集(12)


Izzie认为由于Meredith与Derek的私情,使得Derek favours Meredith,而对他们两个耿耿于怀。但通过与Meredith的这段谈话,Izzie发现原来事情没她设想的那么复杂与恶劣。

Meredith: I thought you'd be asleep by now.

Izzie: Yeah, well, I'm not. ____1____. Baked it chock-full of love. Actually, chock-full of unrelenting, all consuming rage and hostility, but it's still tasty.

Meredith: So you know?

Izzie: I know.

Meredith: Well, do you want the long, sordid version, ____2____, where I started sleeping with a guy who turned out to be my boss?

Izzie: Neither.

Meredith: Izzie, ____3____.

Izzie: No. You want to Dartmouth. Your mother is Ellis Grey. You grew up... Look at his house! You know, you walk into the OR, ____4____. I grew up in a trailer park. I went to state school. I put myself through med school by posing in my underwear. You know, I walk into the OR, ____5____. Y-you have their respect without even trying, and you're throwing it away for...what? A few good surgeries?

Meredith: No. ____6____. It's not about getting ahead.

Izzie: Then what? A little hot sex? You're willing to ruin your credibility over that? I mean, Meredith, ____7____? (Izzie stares at Meredith who rolls her eyes) Oh, my God. ____8____.

Meredith: I am not.

Izzie: Oh, you so are.

Meredith: No, I'm not.

Izzie: You so are. Damn it, you poor girl.

Meredith: You know, it's just that he's just so...And I'm just...I'm having a hard time.

Izzie: Wow, you're all, uh, mushy and...warm and full of secret feelings. (Hands her cake)

Meredith: I hate you! And your cake.

Izzie: My cake is good. So, um, how hot is the sex?

Meredith: Izzie.

Izzie: What? Come on, I'm not getting any. ____9____.


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