返回 【华尔街英语】初级Lesson19 但我还是想知道棒球赛的结果



- Hi, there. This is going to be just so romantic. We have our tickets to Pairs. __(1)_, outside Brighton train station.
- "Brighton railway station", as they say in Britain.
- Good, honey, you're learning! Right, so we are going to get a train to Newhaven, and then we get the ship to France.
- __(2)_. I didn't find one yesterday.
- Never mind, honey.
- I haven't seen an American newspaper since we left the States now I want to read about baseball results.
- __(3)_. The ship goes at 10:15 and it's already 9:20 now.
- I'll just ask someone where the train goes from. Excuse me, where is the train to Newhaven, please?
- Platform 6. Thank you. The train's over there, on track 6. This is going to be so romantic!
- Is this our train? It doesn't look very romantic to me.
- Oh, don't worry honey, it only takes 15 minutes to get to Newhaven. __(4)_.
- Anyway, what about my newspaper.
- Can't you get one on the ship? The train's leaving in a couple of minutes.
- Alright.
- This is so exciting! Don't you think?
- __(5)_.


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