返回 【老爸老妈浪漫史】s01e03-1



      Robin成功加入了伙伴的队伍, 那么我们哪里去找"妈妈"呢? Barney叔叔又有了新的想法~

<听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>

注 Maclaren's是Ted他们常去的一家酒吧的名字
Ted: Why don't we go to Maclaren's?
Lily: Let's go to Maclaren's.
Marshall: You guys talking to each other? Nobody's listening?
Ted: What's wrong with Maclaren's?
Barney: Mcclaren's is bore-snore. Ted, tonight we're going to go out. We're going to meet some ladies. It's going to be legendary. Phone five.


Barney: You didn't phone five,did you? I know when you don't phone five, Ted. Come on. We always to go to Mcclaren's.

Ted: Yeah, 'cause Mcclaren's is fun.
Barney: Mcclaren's is this much fun. What I'm offering is the chance to have this much fun.
Ted: See,you say that. You say it's going to be this much fun, but most of the time it ends up being this much fun. ____2____ It's safe. ____3____
Barney: This hand gesture thing doesn't really work on the phone,does it?
Ted: No,it doesn't.
Barney: Get in the cab. Marshall, you, too.
Marshall: Oh, I wish I could. I think Lily and I are just going to...
Barney: I understand. Ted, get in the cab.
Ted: Why can marshall say no?
Ted: Uh,because he's getting laid.

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D



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