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Ted:Going over to this other girl's house...
Victoria:And you're wondering if I'd be upset.Hi, Ted. Remember me? Your girlfriend.
Ted:Okay, relax. Robin's just a friend.
Victoria:Right. You're gonna go make some juice.
Ted:Yes, yes.__1__In fact, it's healthy.
Victoria:Oh, yeah? Then why are you wondering what she looks like naked?
Ted:I am not...Okay, even if I am wondering that,it's only 'cause you put it in my head.
Victoria:But I am just a manifestation of your subconscious,so actually, you put it in your own head.
Ted:Damn it!Nothing's gonna happen.
Victoria: Right.
Ted: Okay, okay. You want a second opinion?Fine.
Marshall:Hey. Did she call?
Ted:No. I need a ruling.I'm... Yeah, this is stupid.It's not even a big deal,but I'm on my way over to Robin's right now.She got a new juicer. Whatever,we're gonna test it out.
Marshall:Let me call you back.__2__Do you remember the huge secret that you told me that you weren't supposed to, but you did? The thing about Robin?
Barney:You mean, how Robin's in love with Ted?
Both: What?
Barney:Yeah. She told me already. Go on.
Marshall:Wait. So I'm the only one that she didn't tell? She told you and not me?
Marshall:Well, I'm better friends with Ted than you are.
Barney: That is a lie.
Marshall: It is not a lie.
Barney: Okay, that's it…
Ted:Come on. Pick up.Damn it, Victoria. Where are you? Pick up! Pick up!
Victoria: Cupcake?
Ted: No, thanks.Where are you? Why haven't you called?
Victoria:I'm out hooking up.With three other guys.Or maybe I'm a devoted girlfriend and I'm calling you right now.
Ted:Yeah, why do I doubt that? Hello?
Marshall: Ted. I just saw the news,and a truck carrying sulfuric acid overturned right in front of Robin's house.__4__It's bad. You should go home, dude.
Ted:Marshall, it's fine.Nothing's gonna happen.
Marshall: Ted, what does your Mom always say?
Ted: Nothing good ever...
Marshall:Nothing good ever happens after 2:00 a.m.Go home! It's too late for juice.
Ted:Dude, Robin and I are just friends.She doesn't even like me that way.
Lily:Yes, she does! She likes you. She told me.
Ted: What?
Lily: It's a big secret.So don't tell her I told you,but she's very vulnerable right now.And you have a girlfriend. Go home, Ted.
Ted: She likes me?
Lily:Yes.__5__Go home, Ted
Ted:She likes me?
Lily:Go home, Ted.
Ted:You're right, I'll see you at home.

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D



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