返回 【老爸老妈浪漫史】s02e06 Lily找工作(9)


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Robin:Hey, guys. What's going on?
Ted:Lily stole my boss' baseball signed three times by Pete Rose.
Robin:Why? Was he being mean?
Ted:You know about this?
Robin:Yeah.It's her own personal form of justice.Did you tell him about that time at the Gap?
Lily:Oh, that was a good one.This sales guy was rude to Robin,so I took a pair of khakis.I gave them to you for your birthday.
Ted:So I've been walking around in stolen khakis?
Lily:I prefer to call them "justice khakis."
Ted:That's not justice.It's shoplifting, and it's a crime.
Lily:So is being mean.
Ted:Lily, your little system doesn't even make sense.In kindergarten,the kid knew why he was being punished.Druthers just thinks someone stole his ball.
Lily:Well, that's why I left a note.
Ted:A note?
Lily:Yeah.When  he finds it, he'll understand why his ball was taken away,he'll stop being mean,and the office will be a nicer place to work.Maybe he'll even be open to hearing your ideas.
Ted:Look, Lily, we're all tolerating this prolonged nervous breakdown you're clearly having,with the punk band and the beekeeping and the petty larceny,but this is my career you're messing with.
Lily:________You know what?Now you just left the ball.


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