返回 【老爸老妈浪漫史】s02e08 New Beginning(7)


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Lily:Ready, break.
Ted:You  guys want to go gamble?
Marshall:No, we got to go get the veil.
Ted:Or we looked everywhere,and we couldn't find one.
Marshall:Yeah, okay.
Barney:No, you guys go ahead.I'm going to find the veil.
Ted:So this is it, right?________ I'm proud of you, buddy.
Ted:How are you feeling?
Barney:Great, a little nervous.
Ted:Yeah? Craps?
Barney:Not that nervous.
Ted:No, I mean do you want to play craps.
Barney:Oh, yeah, definitely.
Barney:Okay, I got the veil.She wasn't ready to be married.All right,let's talk bachelor party.Are we thinking full-on strip club,or should we rent a room and have a private
toy show-- woo.
Ted:What did you just say?
Marshall:Barney, no.
Barney:Marshall, I'm your best man.
Marshall:You're not my best man.
Ted:Right here.
Marshall:And as your best man,I have to throw you a bachelor party.That's part of being a best friend.
Marshall:You're not my best friend.
Ted:Right here.
Marshall:Barney, I don't have any time for a bachelor party.I've got, like, 18 minutes.
Ted:18 minutes.

Lily:Oh, good. Did you get the veil?
Barney:Of course.
Marshall:And it took us exactly 18 minutes.



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