返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E06-part 2 是小男孩把女孩藏起来了吗?



-Don: I don't care how you found this. It's ____1____, taken to the lab, and analyzed.
-Lightman: Can we just have a quick look in it?
-Don: Yeah, ________2________. That'll help.
-Foster: Detective, we need to see Walter's relationship with the bag. If he killed Samantha, it's a trophy. Its contents will provoke arousal.
-Lightman: If this kid had anything to do with Samantha's disappearance, _____________3__________, right now.That's interesting.
Don: What?
-Lightman: He's ______4______. In fact, I think he's as surprised at the contents of the backpack as we are. You've never looked in there, have you, Walter, eh?
Why is that?
-Walter: It's not mine.
-Foster: You were respecting Samantha's privacy. Walter, did she bring this to you? Ask you to ___________5_______? We're not mad at Samantha. We just need to find her.
-Walter: I said I'd keep it. She asked me not to tell anyone. She trusted me.
-Foster: That's a runaway kit. Kids put them together sometimes when they're thinking about leaving home.
-Don: When d she give it to you?
-Walter: __________6__________ before she went missing. I think she wanted to getaway from her mom and dad.
-Foster: Why?
-Walter: I don't know. __________7___________.
-Lightman: But she talked to her shrink.



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