返回 【别对我撒谎】S02E06-part1 Reynolds曾是卧底?



-Lightman: Get away from the window.
-Foster: What?
-Lightman: Get away from the bloody window.
-Reynolds: Why?
-Foster: What's going on?
-Lightman: A sniper just killed Mark Mclaughlin while he was 1__________________.
-Foster: Is he someone from one of our cases?
-Lightman: No, no, no, no. He was a case Reynolds was working before he came here.
-Reynolds: All right, Lightman, don't say another word, ok?
-Lightman: Mclaughlin was Reynolds' running buddy 2________________________________, right?
-Reynolds: You're not supposed to know anything about that.
-Lightman: You work here. I know everything.
-Foster: Somebody wants to fill me in?
-Lightman: Reynolds was 3____________ for 2 years
trying to dismantle Elliot Greene's organization in New York.
-Foster: Yep. Greene, the Wall Street guy?
-Reynolds: Yeah. Mobster, killer, extortionist. Mark was the 4_______________ in the case against Greene.
-Lightman: Yeah, now he's dead. Reynolds is the next in line to testify. The U.S. attorney's on his way over wants to put you into protective custody.
-Reynolds: You sound like you have a problem with that.
-Lightman: Yeah, I do. They got a 5__________________ at best.
Would you bet your life they could keep you safe out there? No, I didn't think so.
-Reynolds: All right, so 6____________________________?
-Lightman: Follow me.
-Lightman: Hi. You’re the U.S. attorney, right?
-Garrett Denning: Garrett Denning. Where's agent Reynolds?
-Lightman: He's in the loo. Uh, this is Foster.
-Garrett Denning: Why is he in there? We have to move now.
-Lightman: Well, 'cause your last witness 7_____________________ and he works here. My office, my rules.
-Garrett Denning: You're 8______________. Now, he is my new lead witness, and he's leaving with me.
-Lightman: Right. Well, that's bulletproof glass, that's 9____________. He stays until I put in the code.
-Garrett Denning: So you're holding him prisoner.
-Lightman: Hostage. I'll release him if 10__________________.



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