返回 【别对我撒谎】S02E07-part3 Max找到生母了?




-Cheyenne: I, uh, can't believe you found me. He's been looking for me?

-Cal: Oh, yeah, for a long time now.
-Gill: Yeah, ---1---. He's been looking for me?
-Gill: Yeah, he just wants to meet you. He's been looking for me?
-Cheyenne: He's here?
-Cal: Yep. ---2---. You did the right thing by him.
-Cheyenne: Ok. I want to meet him.
-Cal: Maxie boy.
-Max: Hey.
-Cal: You're up.
-Gill: Max, this is Cheyenne Matson.
-Cheyenne: Oh, my god. I knew ---3---. I just knew it.
-Max: I found you. I can't believe it.
-Cheyenne: Oh. Oh, my baby.
-Cal: Max.
-Max: What?
-Cal: Max. ---4---, son.
-Max: Why?
-Cal: 'Cause she's lying. She's not your mother.
-Cheyenne: You don't know what you're talking about. ---5--- in Virginia.
-Cheyenne: And then I...
-Cal: See, that's a lie. ---6---?
-Gill: Have you been drinking today?
-Cal: No, I don't think its alcohol. I think it's drugs. So what was your drug of choice back in the day? What is "x”? Meth? Coke? There it is cocaine.
-Gill: What did you do? Did you sell him for drugs? How did you get him?
-Cheyenne: Ok, ok. ---7---. I got close with my dealer. He had this crash pad in D.C... And I got there and there was this baby.
-Gill: Whose baby?
-Cheyenne: I don't know. I don't know. He was crashing. And he said ---8---.
-Cal: You kidnapped him? You've be trying to protect him?
-Cheyenne: I saw this ad. ---9---.
-Cal: What was the name of your drug dealer back in the day?
-Cheyenne: I only remember him as Romeo.
-Cal: Romeo?
-Cheyenne: It was a long time ago.


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