返回 【kaka礼节美语】189 万圣节 2


下班等公车遇到同事Susan , 问Susan明天公司开万圣节派对准备穿什么,Susan说中国不过万圣节,只有鬼月,不知道二者是不是差不多。Lenny 回答说,

Susan: So...is Halloween essentially the same thing as "ghost month?"

Lenny: Kind of. It actually has it origins in the ancient Celtic New Year. Celtic people believed that ---1---. Over the centuries, many traditions merged to become the modern Halloween festival.

S: Wow! That's really similar to the Chinese ghost month...except that it only lasts a day---not a month!

Lenny说,万圣节最早起源于凯尔特人的新年,the ancient Celtic New Year. 凯尔特人相信,10月31号这一天,分隔阳世和阴间的大门很容易穿过。Susan说,这样听上去,中国的鬼月和西方万圣节的起源有异曲同工之妙,唯一的区别在于,万圣节是一天,而鬼月是整整一个月。

L: I love Halloween, but I wouldn't want it to last a whole month!

S: Why do you love Halloween?

L: Um...I think it's because ---2---. I can dress up and play around...Halloween is really all about having fun!

S: So Christmas and Thanksgiving and other American holidays are more formal than Halloween?

L: That's right. Christmas and Thanksgiving are more family-oriented. Halloween is a chance to get crazy!

Lenny说,他之所以喜欢万圣节是因为这一天可以像孩子一样肆无忌惮地寻开心。跟万圣节相比,圣诞节和感恩节更 family-oriented 意思是更注重家庭团聚。oriented is spelled o-r-i-e-n-t-e-d, oriented, 意思是以什么为导向的,比如 career-oriented 更注重事业的,detail-oriented 重视细节的。

S: So if I come to the party, I have to wear a costume?

L: You don't have to....but it's strongly encouraged. Come on! It'll be fun!

S: ---3---. The idea of putting on a costume is completely out of character for me.

L: That's why it's fun! On Halloween ---4---!

S: So what's the deal? I have to be a vampire or a demon or something?

Susan说自己非常 reserved, reserved is spelled r-e-s-e-r-v-e-d, reserved. reserved是拘谨,放不开的意思。Susan还说,让自己装扮成妖魔鬼怪 is completely out of character. 完全不符合我的性格。Susan会同意参加万圣节派对吗?我们下次继续听。


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