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James: I would. I'm really worried about my career, Miss Matslova.
Tania: Please call me Tania. What's your name?
James: James, Tania.
Tania: So, James. Why are you worried?
James:__1__. I don't mind practising every day. In fact, I like it, I enjoy exercising. __2__. I like travelling ... but not if it's uncomfortable. I'm confused. Do you think I should carry on?
Tania: It depends what you want, James. __3__?
James: I want to do both.
Tania: That, my dear James, is impossible. I'm fed up with getting up early. __4__. But ... I'm a dancer and I look forward to dancing as long as I can. What can I say? __5__.
James: Thank you, Miss M ... er, Tania. Your advice was really helpful.__6__.
Principal: I'm quite sure you are all grateful to Miss Matslova for spending so much time with you.
Tania: James, please let me know what you decide to do. __7__. It depends what you want. And that applies to all of you.__8__.


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