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Yes, I agree. Lovely breakfast. Very nice. Excellent coffee, especially, don't you think? Anyway, as I was telling you, it happens to me every time I go to a new place: __1__. But last night was the worst ever. The train got in at about 11, so I felt lucky to get one— __2__. But he was so polite—and you don't get much of that these days: 'Let me take your bags,' he says. 'No trouble,' he says. 'It's a hot, sticky night,' he says, 'but don't worry, madam, it's air-conditioned,' —and it was, surprisingly— 'just relax and I'll get you there in no time.' __3__. And he told me that though this was one of the few cities in the world where a woman could go at that time of night on her own and nothing to fear, even so, __4__? Though I couldn't see any __5__, and I didn't think to make a note of his licence plate—and it wouldn't have made any difference, I don't suppose. So here I am. And as you can see, if you look out of the window, that's the station! Just across the road! Anyway. Well, it's a lovely hotel, isn't it? Are you on holiday too?


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