返回 【Listen To This 初级】Lesson30 Legal Advice(2/2)


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Dennis: I simply can’t understand why you lied to me.
Cynthia: I’ve already told you. But you just won’t believe me.
Dennis: That all you did was discuss business together? Of course, I can’t believe that!
Cynthia: Well, __1__! And it isn’t true that I lied to you about my mother. When I told you that, I intended to see her. But then Steve rang and said he needed __2__.
Dennis: About what?
Cynthia: A legal matter.
Dennis: A legal matter? Why should he ask your advice about a legal matter? You aren’t a lawyer.
Cynthia: No, but you are! And that’s what he wanted to talk to me about. You’ve been recommended to him. But __3__, he just wanted to know if I thought you’d be willing to help him. I said I didn’t know.
Dennis: Help your ex-boyfriend? Give him legal advice? __4__.
Cynthia: __5__. I knew it.


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