返回 【灵书妙探】S01E09 Nikki 新形象? (1/3)


各位同学们好~ 又到了和大家见面的时间了,今天过的怎么样啊?!又是一个新的星期,大家也别忘了做一篇听写噢~


Castle: Morning! Grande skim latte. Two pumps sugar free vanilla and a bear claw.

Beckett: _____(1)_____…


Castle: I'm a novelist. It's my job to notice things.

Beckett: It's Sunday morning. _____(2)_____?


Castle: Would you be jealous if I were?

Beckett: _____(3)_____.


Castle: Actually, in my dream, you're never jealous. In my dreams, you just joined in… Well, Montgomery called and said "Come down right away." _____(4)_____.

Beckett: Try not to get so giddy every time we go to a crime scene, okay?


Castle: Just cause somebody's dead doesn't mean you have to be grumpy.

Beckett: Oh, do you want to see grumpy? _____(5)_____?


Castle: "Nikki Heat" cover art? That's only available to … Oh, my god. _____(6)_____? Wait a minute. Are you a Castlefreak1212? Castle lover 45?

Beckett: You do realize that most people would be creeped out by crazy anonymous fans?


Castle: Like you?

Beckett: _____(7)_____.


Castle: So what did you think of your alter ego Nikki? Pretty sweet, right?

Beckett: Sweet? _____(8)_____!


Castle: She's not naked. _____(9)_____… strategically.

Beckett: You know? _____(10)_____ that if they're already publishing the cover art, then your book and our little partnership is almost done.


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