返回 【Listen To This 中级】Lesson3 Dentist(7/12)


Patient: I don't want to watch. __1__.
Dentist: Then don't look in the mirror. __2__. I promise you.
Patient: Blood! Blood! Why did you have to say that? I can't afford to lose any blood.
Dentist: Now let's not be silly. __3__.
Patient: Blood ...!
Dentist: But it's a tiny amount. You'll make it up in a day.
Patient: A night.
Dentist: All right, in a night, then. But as I said it's only a small amount of blood ...
Patient: Blood! Blood!
Dentist: ... and it isn't going to kill you.
Patient: Kill! Kill!
Dentist: Oh, don't be silly; of course it won't. __4__.
Patient: Die! Die!
Dentist: I shall get cross in a minute.
Patient: Cross! Cross!
Dentist: Now look, I've had just about enough of this. You come in here screaming in pain, saying that __5__, and you ask me to do something to __6__. Now, just what exactly am I expected to do? You're a grown man and I'm a very busy lady. I have a lot of patients waiting in the other room and __7__, which is very expensive. Now, pull yourself together and let's get on with it.
Patient: I can't. Couldn't you just __8__?


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