返回 【Listen To This 中级】Lesson6 Earthquake Passed(3/3)



Mrs. Skinner: __1__ — what? — five metres to the left, I mean to the south? The raspberry patch, the eucalyptus trees, the rose garden, the two lines of cypress trees—all had moved? 

Mrs. Skinner: Yes, __2__! 

Reporter: __3__? 

Mrs. Skinner: Yes, that's right. Oh it was terrible, terrible. 

Reporter: And your husband Jack? Was he all right? 

Mrs. Skinner: Yes—__4__—it had moved several metres. Jack was all right—__5__—all the cows had escaped you see. They were running all over the place—__6__. 

Reporter: So Jack, your husband, was all right. 

Mrs. Skinner: Well he was a bit shocked like me, but he was all right. Oh, I forgot to tell you about the granary—that had moved south too. __7__. Can you believe it? 

Reporter: Incredible, Mrs. Skinner. And the house itself—what about your house? 

Mrs. Skinner: Well then we saw what had happened. Everything had moved one way—that is, to the south—except the house. The house—can you believe it?—had moved the other way—the house had moved north. __8__ —the garden , the trees, the granary—went the other way. 

Reporter: Incredible, Mrs. Skinner, absolutely incredible. 


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