返回 【妙招大看台】如何看手相?



Learn how to read a person just by looking at their hand using the ancient art of palmistry.
You will need: a palm to read and the basics of palmistry.

Step 1:
Read the dominant hand – the one a person uses to write with; it reveals what's going on now. __________

Markedly different lines on each hand indicate a person who has worked hard to change their basic nature.

Step 2:
Know how to view the lines. __________

Step 3:
Start with the top horizontal line, or the heart line. A line that’s close to the fingers indicates a passionate, sometimes jealous, person. If the line goes straight across, the person keeps a tight rein on their emotions. __________

Gaps on the heart line suggest the person has known heartbreak. Short lines that cross the heart line show they are very flirtatious and have a hard time staying faithful.

Step 4:
Look at the next horizontal line, which is the head line. A strong, straight line that goes all the way across the hand indicates a logical, no-nonsense thinker. A zigzag line represents a mind that tends to wander. __________

Step 5:
Examine the third major line, which usually slopes from horizontal to vertical, the life line. A strong, deep line suggests a person who is enthusiastic about life and strives to reach their full potential. __________

Contrary to popular belief, the life line has nothing to do with how long a person will live.

Step 6:
Check out the fate line, the vertical line in the center of the palm. A strong, straight line indicates a person with a focused career; a faint line suggests someone less happy with their job. __________

Step 7:
Don’t like what you're seeing? __________ The existing lines simply represent what has come before.

Did you know? There is evidence that palm reading began in India about 4,500 years ago.



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