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Research shows that men decide within the first 15 minutes of a date if they want to see the person again, while women take up to an hour.Don't let any more opportunities to meet that sexy stranger slip away!

Step 1:
[-------1-------] Don't bother with cheesy pickup lines—studies show a simple "Hi" works best.
If the other person doesn't immediately offer his or her name [-------2-------] Step 2:
After you get the person's name, use it almost immediately. For example
[-------3-------] People love the sound of their own name.
Try to slip in a little flattery. Compliment her name, an article of his clothing—just don't go overboard.
Step 3:
Once a conversation is underway, ask questions so you can do more listening than talking. [-------4-------]
Try to make the other person laugh. A good sense of humor is always high on the list of traits that singles seek.
Step 4:
[-------5-------] After a few minutes, say that you have to rejoin your friends, get back to work, whatever. End the flirting before you run out of things to say.
Step 5:
Before walking away, tell the person you've enjoyed chatting and would love to see them again. Hopefully they'll offer their number.
Step 6:
If the other person doesn't get the hint, ask straight-up for their phone number. Now go think of what to say when you call!



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