返回 【尼基塔】S01E01 (07) Micheal&Nikita


Micheal: Get down on the ground. Slowly. Spread your arms and your legs.
Nikita: Just like old times, huh?
Micheal: Shut up. You were free. You had gotten out, you were gone. What the hell are you doing back here?
Nikita: Someone has to stop Percy.
Micheal: If Percy goes down, he has no problem taking everybody down with him.---(1)---
Nikita: What are you talking about?
Micheal: ---(2)---Locked away in encrypted files, Hidden all over the world.
Nikita: ---(3)---
Micheal: Spare me, Nikita. I know you're in this for revenge.
Nikita: You blame me? You know firsthand what it feels like. Have the thing you love most in life taken away from you.
Micheal: It wasn't your life. It was your cover.---(4)---
Nikita: You mean the way you did... With me?
Micheal: Don't. Don't.
Nikita: Michael, I know why you're staying there. You want to protect the other recruits the way you protected me.
Micheal: I can't protect you anymore.
Nikita: Then let me go, or stop me now.
Micheal: I'll give you a head start. If we meet again, I can't promise what will happen.
Nikita: I can. It's a good wound. They'll think you tried to stop me. Just trying to protect you.




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