返回 【尼基塔】S01E08(03)尼基塔被捕


Ari Tasarov: So you're Nikita. Oh, you know, you should have just said so to begin with. Percy sent you to kill me 4 years ago? I gotta to tell you, that's a __(1)__of an ego boost.
Nikita: Then allow me to __(2)__ you. Your info tap on senator Kerrigan died with Anna.
Ari Tasarov: You know, I think Division did us a favor there. Anna got sloppy, fell in love with a civilian, bartender. Same as you, if the__(3)__ are true. What is it with female operatives that draws them to weak, easily manipulated men?
Nikita: You are very lucky that I am tied up right now.
Ari Tasarov: I don't doubt it. It's that rage that makes you perfect for this.
Nikita: Perfect for what?
Ari Tasarov: Rules of the game. Percy destroyed our __(4)__, so now I'm going to destroy his. Senator Kerrigan dies tonight.
Nikita: You kill a U.S. senator, you start a war.
Ari Tasarov: That's why we're going to outsource the job.
Nikita: To who?
Ari Tasarov: To a rogue American spy, seeking __(5)__against the government that created her.


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