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Nikita: Couldn't wait to use the bat __(1)__, huh?

Ryan: Thanks for coming. Remember when you promised to make me a hero? I need you to listen.

Nikita: You're not gonna make me read all that, are you?

Ryan: Chris Conahan, one of ours, murdered in Berlin 3 days ago.

Nikita: Why are you telling me this? Isn't the CIA all __(2)__ it?

Ryan: I can't get the people __(3)__ to listen to me. Which means I got no one else to turn to. And the irony? This has nothing to do with Division. But it may have to do with a __(4)__ attack on U.S. Soil.

Nikita: Why do you think that?

Ryan: Well, part of my fantastic new career has me __(5)__ cold war substations in Europe. I picked up on some chatter, uh, a phone conversation about a cutting – edge weapon coming into the U.S. Callers mentioned a courier for the device. A guy by the name of Jurgen. Conahan told his superiors that he was meeting an asset also named Jurgen. If you ask me, Jurgen is bringing the weapon into the U.S. He's arming the terrorists.


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