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Alex: Where'd you pick up on Nikita's __(1)__?

Amanda: We haven't. I have a division assignment for you. A __(2)__.

Alex: I don't work for you, remember? And I certainly don't kill for you.

Amanda: Just take a look for me. Do you know who that is?

Alex: Anton Kochenko.

Amanda: He worked for your father.

Alex: He was a low – level thug for my father.

Amanda: Now he's the chief public liaison of Zetrov, which is a euphemism for "Vice president of __(3)__". He's helping extend Zetrov's reach across the globe. In 36 hours, Kochenko will attend the ribbon – cutting of a new Zetrov venture on the St Lawrence River. That venture represents significant expansion by Zetrov in our hemisphere.

Alex: Let me guess. Oversight has asked you to make sure it never opens.

Amanda: Correct. I need Kochenko dead, as it turns out, so do you… He's the face of Zetrov. If he were __(4)__, his boss would be force to make more public appearances. Kochenko's boss is Sergei Semak. You'd be one step closer. All you have to do is end Kochenko's life. Something tells me you can __(5)__ that.


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