返回 【尼基塔】S02E05(01)Michael六年前的任务



Michael: Yeah, but the first lady of the country gets some leeway, right?

Cassandra: Yes, well, my husband is not one to __(1)__ tardiness.

Michael: Yeah, or __(2)__ freedom or political dissent.

Cassandra: Please don't.

Michael: The only thing he treats worse than the people of his country is you.

Cassandra: You know if I could change any of that, I would.

Michael: What if you could? Change that?

Cassandra: Jonathan, we really are going to be late.

Michael: My name's not Jonathan. It's Michael. I'm not a __(3)__ attaché. I'm an American agent. Assigned to neutralize that __(4)__ of Belarusian president Valeri Ovechkin.

Cassandra: I don't understand.

Michael: With your help, I can get that done. You know it has to know. You've known that for a very long time.

Cassandra: With my help? So all this… us… It was a __(5)__? You're blackmailing me?

Michael: Cassandra, you're not the target, your husband is.


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