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美国公共广播公司 (Public Broadcasting Service),是美国的一个公共电视机构,成立于1969年,旨在运用非商业电视、因特网与其它媒体所提供的高质量节目与教育服务,去丰富人民生活,并达到媒体告知、启发与愉悦的社会责任。

原文标题为: A Perilous Cyber World: Guarding Personal Information from Hackers and Thieves 稍长,显示不全。

周末填空啦~^_^ 今天两大空~
I think, like, one of the big takeaways, I think, from Mat's story and others is that 1.……………………(有3个逗号), because, you know, it's rather -- it's like dominoes. One gets hacked and the rest fall.

Well, Peter, staying with you, I want to ask you more about passwords, because that is, of course, one of the best ways to protect all these different things we use, and yet most of us, of course, have a hard time remembering too many passwords. I read about how many people use very simple passwords, even though they're warned otherwise.

Yes, I'm glad you brought that up.

There are a number of password-managing tools that are free to use or cost a very small fee that work for both the Web and your phone. 2.……………………………(2个And为首的句子)

Now, realistically, I know that a lot of people aren't going to do that, even though we all sort of know we need to. I personally have been guilty of using the same password for other services. I probably shouldn't say that on air, but I have been guilty of it. I now use a password manager.


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