返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E07(02)The Homecoming Hangover



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B: Can I interrupt?
A: How was the game?
B: Well, they lost, but your brother tore up the field.
A: Did mom make it?
B: Uh, no. No,she didn't, but we missed her, though.
A: Mm.      1   
B: Listen, Aria, nobody wanted it to come to this, okay? Your mom and I have been together since we were kids.
A: You weren't kids. You were in college.
B: No, we were kids. Neither one of us had ever been 50 miles away from home. We'd never--
A: Are you moving out? Just tell me now, 'cause I don't wanna find out you're gone while I'm setting the table for dinner.
B:      2    So I have agreed to--
A: What? You have agreed to move in with Meredith?
B: No. No, god-- no. Aria, Meredith is not the issue here. Meredith is just a woman that I work with. That's it. Period.
A: Do you still love mom?
B: I do. And I'm leaving because--
A:      3   
B: You're young, sweetheart.      4   
A: Yeah.




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