返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E10(01)Keep Your Friends Close



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C: This is my partner, Agent Rendall. And we're here because the Bureau was asked by the local authorities to assist in the investigation of Alison Di Laurentis' murder. I want to show you something that was sent to the Rosewood Police Department by an anonymous source.      1   
Ali: Wanna see more? I know you want to. If the girls know I was seeing you, oh, my God, they would not stop talking about it. I wish they were more mature, but we don't have a lot of time. I have to get back before they wake up. I know you want to kiss me.
C: Is there anything you can tell me about what you see?
E: They're at the kissing rock. It's in the woods behind the lake.
A: I... I think this was taken the night Alison disappeared.      2   
H: Wait, that's not her sweater.
C: Are you sure?
H: Ask me what's in each one of our closets, and I'll give you an itemized list. I know clothes.
S: I think she's talking to the older boy.
C: So-called, uh, mystery boyfriend?
S: Alison didn't want us to know who he was.
C: Was he an older high school boy?
S:      3   
C: Huh. Alison liked secrets, huh?
E:      4   
C: They do.      5   




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