返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E14(02)Careful What U Wish



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A: Wouldn't have even recognized her.
S: When's the last time you saw simone? Huh?
A: Oh, I don't know. It's been a while.
S: Well.      1    Come on, Han. You can look at "help wanted" on the way over. I hear Rosewood P.D. is hiring.
H: Well.      2   
E: Okay, come on, we have to go. We only have 45 minutes.
H: Wait, hold on. What's this?
S: What am I looking at?
H: How come it shows your music library's online when your laptop's on your shoulder? Look, isn't that your playlist?
S: What?
A:      3   
S: I'm not.
E: Where's your laptop?
S: It's in my bag, except it's not. This is insane.      4   
E: What about P.E.?
S: It was in my gym locker, but no one else has that combo.
E: The coaches do. Ian must've heard us last night.
A: Well.      5   
S: If he has my laptop...
H: He knows we've seen what's on there, too.




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