返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E17(02)The New Normal



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A: How were the parent-teacher meetings?
B: Oh, they were fine. You know, I really like that one teacher, your French teacher.
A: Well, how do you like Mr. Fitz?
B: He was okay.
A: "Okay"?
B: All right, listen, I'm gonna tell you the truth.      1   
A: What do you mean?
B:      2   
A: Boy, that's...That's funny, 'cause I like him. He's a good teacher.
B: Well, I can see why he's a hit with the kids. I mean, he's a nice-looking guy, he's easygoing. He does that boyish smile thing a little too much, but I figure that must work for him.
A: What's that thing about judging a book by its cover?
B: Well.      3   
A: Well, you know, he's published.
B: Online journals aren't "published." "Published" is ink and paper.
A: Well, you were with him like, what, half an hour? I'm in his class every day.
B: Yeah well, every English department has one, full of charm and promise. It's... Look, I understand that you and your mother see more of him than I do.      4   
A: What's mom have to do with this?
B:      5    This book signing thing he's taking her to...
A: That's not just mom. Half of the teachers in the English department are going.
B: Well... Listen, when Mike comes home, we'll pick a place for dinner.




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