返回 【美少女的谎言】S02E07(04)Surface Tension



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E: Did Hanna say anything about what happened at the fashion show?
A:      1   
E: What do you think that was?
A: Well, you know about mean girls. They had 'em when we were in school.
E: Not like this, we didn't.
A: No, not like this.
E: And I don't think this just started.      2   
A: I think you're right.
E: You do?
A: Alison? Hanna being hit by that car? Ian in the bell tower, everything else? It's easy to get paranoid, start seeing connections where there aren't any connections.
E:      3   
A: Who else have you talked to?
E: Well, Emily's mom is in Texas, and I didn't really want to do this over the phone.
A: The Hastings? I'll tell you one thing. I think we rolled over way too quickly on that therapist deal, separating the girls? I am not gonna do that again.
E:      4   
A: That wasn't about helping anyone. That was about Peter Hastings.      5   



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