返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E11(01)Single Fright Female


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S: I've been looking for you. Where have you been?
E: I had to talk to Nate.      1     Why were you looking for me?
S: Has Paige ever mentioned her history with Ali to you?
E: Her history?
S: Yeah, they weren't passing acquaintances, Em. They were, like, in a war.
E: Who told you this?
S: Cece. No, look, I know that it sounds weird, okay? But once she told me Ali's nickname for Paige, it clicked.
E: Alison had nicknames for half the people in this school.      2    
S: Okay, I get it, but according to Cece, this was--
E: Why are we suddenly trusting Cece?
S: Because Ali might have told her things that she couldn't tell us.
E: I gotta get to practice.
S: Emily, look, you and Paige have been seeing each other on and off for almost a year, and you don't think it's a little odd that she's never mentioned anything about Ali to you?
E:      3     Alison loved pitting us against one another, and now Cece swoops in--
S: This isn't about Cece, okay?      4    
E: Excuse me?
S: I'm not accusing Paige of anything, but let's not forget, Emily, this girl once tried to drown you. I don't think that was a love dunk.
E:      5    
S: Yeah, like being sneaky. She also got you kicked off of the swim team. I'm not calling her a snake--
E: Okay, are you finished? Because I am.


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