返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E16(05)Misery Loves Company


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A: Hey, what are you doing?
Ali:      1     
A: Is this a dream?
Ali: No, sweetie.      2     
A: Tell me what it's like. Tell me everything.
Ali: Well,I don't know who said knowledge was king. Just an old fart, probably. But he was right. I see everything now. I missed so much when I was here.
A: Do you see "A"?
Ali:      3     So do you. You all do. I'm surprised Spencer hasn't figured that out.
A: Did it really happen, what you wrote in those pages? Were you blackmailing my dad?
Ali: Byron's really coming around, isn't he? I mean, when the chips were down with Ezra's mom.
A: Ali, I need to know the truth.
Ali:      4     
A: Please.
Ali:      5     
A: How could you do that to my family? To me?
Ali: It was just a threat. I never called your mom.
A: Did my dad kill you?
Ali:      6      I wouldn't drink that.
A: What do you mean?
Ali: Meredith is looking for these pages too.
A: Ali, wait.
Ali: You know why I picked you, right?


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