返回 【血字的研究】Chapter4:警察栾斯的叙述(4/7)





"I'll tell you one other thing," he said. "Patent leathers [10] and Square-toes came in the same cab, and they walked down the pathway together as friendly as possible--arm-in-arm, in all probability. When they got inside they walked up and down the room--or rather, Patent-leathers stood still while Square-toes walked up and down. I could read all that in the dust; and I could read that as he walked he grew more and more excited. That is shown by the increased length of his strides. 1_______________________________________________. Then the tragedy occurred. I've told you all I know myself now, for the rest is mere 2____________. We have a good working basis, however, on which to start. We must hurry up, for I want to go to Halle's concert to hear Norman Neruda this afternoon."

This conversation had occurred while our cab had been 3____ its way through a long succession of 4_____ streets and 5_____ by-ways. In the dingiest and dreariest of them our driver suddenly came to a stand. "That's Audley Court in there," he said, pointing to a narrow 6____ in the line of dead-coloured brick. "You'll find me here when you come back."

Audley Court was not an attractive locality. 7____________________________________________________. We picked our way among groups of dirty children, and through lines of discoloured linen, until we came to Number 46, the door of which was decorated with a small 8________ on which the name Rance was 9______. On enquiry we found that the constable was in bed, and we were shown into a little front 10_____ to await his coming.

He appeared presently, 11___________________________________________. "I made my report at the office," he said.

Holmes took a half-sovereign from his pocket and played with it 12_____. "We thought that we should like to hear it all from your own 13____," he said.

"I shall be most happy to tell you anything I can," the constable answered with his eyes upon the little golden disk.

"Just let us hear it all in your own way as it occurred."

Rance sat down on the horsehair sofa, and 14________________________________________________.


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