返回 【血字的研究】Chapter6:葛莱森大显身手(2/9)





The _Standard_ commented upon the fact that lawless 1______ of the sort usually occurred under a Liberal Administration. 2________________________________. The 3_____ was an American gentleman who had been residing for some weeks in the Metropolis. He had stayed at the boarding-house of Madame Charpentier, in Torquay Terrace, Camberwell. He was accompanied in his travels by his private secretary, Mr. Joseph Stangerson. The two 4__________ their landlady upon Tuesday, the 4th inst., and departed to Euston Station with the 5____ intention of catching the Liverpool express. They were afterwards seen together upon the platform. Nothing more is known of them until Mr. Drebber's body was, as recorded, discovered in an empty house in the Brixton Road, many miles from Euston. 6_____________________________________. Nothing is known of the whereabouts of Stangerson. We are glad to learn that Mr. Lestrade and Mr. Gregson, of Scotland Yard, are both engaged upon the case, and 7______________________________________.

The _Daily News_ observed that there was no doubt as to the crime being a political one. The 8______ and hatred of Liberalism which 9_____ the Continental Governments had had the effect of 10__________________________________________. Among these men 11__________________________________________. Every effort should be made to find the secretary, Stangerson, and to 12_____ some particulars of the habits of the deceased. A great step had been gained by the discovery of the address of the house at which he had boarded--a result which was entirely due to the 13_____ and energy of Mr. Gregson of Scotland Yard.

Sherlock Holmes and I read these notices over together at breakfast, and they appeared to afford him considerable amusement.


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