返回 【血字的研究】Chapter7:一线光明(1/9)





THE intelligence with which Lestrade greeted us was so 1____ and so unexpected, that we were all three fairly dumfoundered(注:=dumbfound 使惊呆). Gregson sprang out of his chair and upset the remainder of his whiskey and water. I stared in silence at Sherlock Holmes, whose 2_______________________________.

"Stangerson too!" he muttered. "The plot thickens."

"It was quite thick enough before," 3_____ Lestrade, taking a chair. "I seem to have dropped into a sort of council of war."

"Are you--are you sure of this piece of intelligence?" stammered Gregson.

"I have just come from his room," said Lestrade. "I was the first to discover what had occurred."

"We have been hearing Gregson's view of the matter," Holmes observed. "Would you mind letting us know what you have seen and done?"

"I have no objection," Lestrade answered, seating himself. "4______________________________________________. This fresh development has shown me that I was completely mistaken. Full of the one idea, I set myself to find out what had become of the Secretary. They had been seen together at Euston Station about half-past eight on the evening of the third. At two in the morning Drebber had been found in the Brixton Road. 5___________________________________________________. I telegraphed to Liverpool, giving a description of the man, and warning them to keep a watch upon the American boats. I then set to work calling upon all the hotels and lodging-houses in the vicinity of Euston. You see, 6________________________________________________________."

"They would be likely to agree on some meeting-place beforehand," remarked Holmes.

"So it proved. 7_________________________________________. This morning I began very early, and at eight o'clock I reached Halliday's Private Hotel, in Little George Street. On my enquiry as to whether a Mr. Stangerson was living there, they at once answered me in the affirmative.

"'No doubt you are the gentleman whom he was expecting,' they said. 'He has been waiting for a gentleman for two days.'

"'Where is he now?' I asked.

"'He is upstairs in bed. He wished to be called at nine.'

"'I will go up and see him at once,' I said.


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