返回 【科学60秒】美国食物比较咸


Whether you're in London or Lubbock, a Big Mac is a Big Mac, right? Well, not exactly. ______(请填一句。)________

Researchers studied nutrition information from McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Domino's, Pizza Hut and Subway in six different countries. They found that restaurants in the U.S. served saltier burgers, subs, pizza and chicken nuggets than those same outlets in the U.K.
And the differences were more than a dash. A six-piece chicken nugget in Manchester, New Hampshire, contains 1.5 grams of salt, whereas in Manchester, England, it has just 0.6 grams — less than half. The findings are in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
The researchers also found that many of these meals contain more salt than doctors recommend getting in an entire day. Even salads were not entirely safe, with some containing seven grams of salt.
So, if you can't travel to the U.K. for your drive-thru lunch, cut the salt by cutting your portions — or skipping the fast food altogether.


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