返回 【四签名】Chapter4:秃头人的故事(4/10)




Captain Morstan

"You will excuse me, Mr. Sholto," said Miss Morstan, "but I am here at your request to learn something which you desire to tell me.  It is very late, and I should desire the interview to be as short as possible."

"At the best it must take some time," he answered; "for we shall certainly have to go to Norwood and see Brother Bartholomew.  We shall all go and try if we can get the better of Brother Bartholomew. 1__________________. I had quite high words with him last night.  You cannot imagine what a terrible fellow he is when he is angry."

"If we are to go to Norwood it would perhaps be as well to start at once," I ventured to remark.

He laughed until his ears were quite red.  "That would hardly do," hecried.  "I don't know what he would say if I brought you in that sudden way.  No, I must prepare you by showing you how we all stand to each other. In the first place, 2_________________.  I can only lay the facts before you as far as I know them myself.

"My father was, as you may have guessed, Major John Sholto, once of the Indian army.  He retired some eleven years ago, and came to live at Pondicherry Lodge in Upper Norwood. 3__________________________.  With these advantages he bought himself a house, and lived in great luxury.  My twin-brother Bartholomew and I were the only children.

"4______________________.  We read the details in the papers, and, knowing that he had been a friend of our father's, we discussed the case freely in his presence.  He used to join in our speculations as to what could have happened.  5___________________,--that of all men he alone knew the fate of Arthur Morstan.


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