返回 【四签名】Chapter6:福尔摩斯作出判断(1/8)





Sherlock Holmes Gives a Demonstration

"Now, Watson," said Holmes, rubbing his hands, "we have half an hour to ourselves.  Let us make good use of it.  My case is, as I have told you, almost complete; but we must not 1___ on the side of over-confidence.  Simple as the case seems now, there may be something deeper underlying it."

"Simple!" I ejaculated.

"Surely," said he, 2___________.  "Just sit in the corner there, that 3________.  Now to work!  In the first place, how did these folk come, and how did they go?  The door has not been opened since last night.  How of the window?"  He carried the lamp across to it, muttering his observations aloud the while, but addressing them to himself rather than to me.  "4________. Framework is solid. 5_______.  Let us open it.  No water-pipe near.  Roof quite out of reach.  Yet a man has mounted by the window. It rained a little last night. 6_________.  And here is a circular muddy mark, and here again upon the floor, and here again by the table. See here, Watson!  This is really a very pretty demonstration."

I looked at the round, well-defined muddy discs.  "This is not a footmark," said I.

"It is something much more valuable to us. 7________.  You see here on the sill is the boot-mark, a heavy boot with the broad metal heel, and beside it is the mark of the timber-toe."

"It is the wooden-legged man."

"Quite so.  But there has been some one else,--a very able and efficient ally.  Could you scale that wall, doctor?"

I looked out of the open window.  The moon still shone brightly on that angle of the house.  We were a good sixty feet from the round, and, look where I would, I could see no foothold, nor as much as a 8___ in the brick-work.

"It is absolutely impossible," I answered.


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