返回 【生活大爆炸】SO1EO6 万圣节派对?


小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Penny: Oh, hey, guys.
-Men:Oh, hello. Hey.
-Howard: Morning, madam.
-Penny: So, how was paintball? Did you have fun?
-Sheldon: Sure, if you consider being fragged by your own ____1___ fun. You clear space on your calendar ,there will be an inquiry.
-Penny: Hey, I'm having a party on Saturday, so if you guys are around, you should come on by.
-Leonard: A party?
-Penny: Yeah.
-Howard: A... "boy-girl" party?
-Penny: Well, there will be boys and there will be girls and it is a party, so... It'll be a bunch of my friends. We'll have some beer, do a little dancing...
-Sheldon: Dancing?
-Leonard: Yeah, I don't know, Penny...
-Sheldon: The thing is, we're not...
-Leonard: No, we're really more of a... No. But thanks. Thanks for thinking of us.
-Penny: Are you sure? Come on, it's Halloween.
-Sheldon: A Halloween party?
-Howard: As in... ___2___?
-Penny: Well, yeah.
-Leonard: Is there a ___3___?
-Penny: Uh... Yeah, Halloween.
-Sheldon: Yes, but are the costumes ___4___, or genre-specific?
-Penny: _______________5_______________.
-Leonard: He's asking if we can come as anyone from science fiction, fantasy...
-Penny: Sure.
-Sheldon: What about _______6_________?
-Penny: Fine.
-Sheldon: Anime?
-Penny: of course.
-Sheldon: TV, film, D&D, manga, Greek gods, Roman gods, Norse gods...
-Penny: Anything you want! Okay? Any costume you want.
-Penny: Bye.
-Howard: Gentlemen, to the _________7________.


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