返回 【生活大爆炸】SO2EO14(3) 喜欢挠挠肚皮


小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Sheldon: You know, I've given the matter some thought and I think I'd be willing to be a ___1___ to a race of super-intelligent aliens.
-Leonard: Interesting.
-Sheldon: Ask me why.
-Leonard: Do I have to?
-Sheldon: Of course. That's how you move a conversation forward.
-Leonard: Why?
-Sheldon: ______________2_______________. Additionally, _______________3____________.
-Leonard: Hey, Penny. How was work?
-Penny: Great. I hope I'm a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory for my whole life.
-Sheldon: Was that sarcasm?
-Penny: No.
-Sheldon: Was that sarcasm?
-Penny: Yes.
-Sheldon: Was that, sar--
-Leonard: Stop it!
-Sheldon: Penny, you appear to have a package here.
-Penny: Oh, thanks. This must be the beret I ordered. A couple of months ago. It was back-ordered.
-Sheldon: Did you know the beret is an example of piece of women's fashion adapted from male military uniforms? Another fascinating example is the epaulet.
-Leonard: He's not lying. He does find that fascinating.
-Penny: Okay, whatever. It's not like I'm running up and down the streets just buying myself berets. I bought one like a month ago and it was back-ordered. Look, it finally arrived, all right?
-Sheldon: All right.
-Penny: Oh, My God, ________4________?
-Leonard: Weird.
-Sheldon: Oh, good, that was an unusual interaction. I wasn't sure.
-Leonard: Did you guys have an argument?
-Sheldon: No.
-Leonard: Well, you clearly did something to ___5___ her.
-Sheldon: _________6________. If you like, you can review my daily log of social interactions and see if there's a blunder I overlooked.


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