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很久以前在纽约市,史提芬.爱廸斯站在街角,双臂抱着一岁的女儿;他太太为两人拍了一张照片。那张照片启发了每年一度的、一个父亲与女儿的习惯,每年爱廸斯和女儿都会在同一角落,摆出一样的姿势拍照。爱廸斯分享这个摄影集中15 张珍贵的照片,同时解释为甚么这个细小的、重覆的习惯对他有深刻的意义。

Steven Addis
Steven Addis is a father and photography buff who, by day, harnesses the power of branding for social change.

Recently, on one trip, we were walking, and she stops dead in her tracks, and she points to a red awning of the doll store that she loved when she was little on our earlier trips. And she describes to me the feeling she felt as a five-year-old standing in that exact spot. She said she remembers her heart bursting out of her chest when she saw that place for the very first time nine years earlier. And now what she's looking at in New York are colleges, because she's determined to go to school in New York. And it hit me: _______(一句话听写,首字母大写,句末加标点)_________

So I wanna share the idea of taking an active role in consciously creating memories. I don't know about you, but aside from these 15 shots, I'm not in many of the family photos. I'm always the one taking the picture. So I wanna encourage everyone today to get in the shot, and don't hesitate to go up to someone and ask, "Will you take our picture?"


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