返回 【吸血鬼日记】第一季第九集(4) Elena&Stefan


Elena 为了Bonnie 找Stefan帮忙,到底那块水晶项链为什么那么重要呢?

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Elena: Hey. _______1________ I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important.
Stefan: I know that.
Elena: He threatened her, Stefan.
Stefan: What would Damon want with Bonnie?
Elena: She has this necklace. Caroline got it from Damon, and she gave it to Bonnie, and now Damon wants it back. He's tormenting her.
Stefan: Over a necklace.
Elena: It's not just any necklace. It has to do with Bennie’s heritage. It belonged to one of her ancestors who lived here during the Civil War, when you and Damon lived here.
Stefan: Her name was Emily. She was Katherine’s handmaid and a witch.
Elena: You know? About Bonnie?
Stefan: __________2___________
Elena: And now Damon knows, and for some reason, he wants that necklace.
Stefan: ________3________
Elena: It's, um, an antique iron setting with a...
Stefan: With an amber crystal. I know it. It belonged to Katherine. Emily gave it to her, which means that...
Elena: What?
Stefan: I don't know, but I'm gonna find out. Let me talk to Damon.
Elena: Will he tell you?
Stefan: I’ll... _______4________


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