返回 【吸血鬼日记】第一季第十一集(5) Elena&Stefan


终于知道真相了… Stefan 很早就注意Elena了,而且Elena其实是被收养的孩子….

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Stefan: The first day of school when we met. It wasn't for the first time, Elena.
Elena: Then when was it?
Stefan: May 23, 2009.
Elena: But that was...
Stefan: That was the day your parents' car went off the bridge.
Elena: You were there?
Stefan: Every couple of years that I come back here to see Zach and see my home. Last spring, I was out in the woods, by old Wickery Bridge. And I heard the accident. All of it. I was fast getting there, but not fast enough. The car was already submerged. Your dad was still... he was still conscious. I was able to get to him, but he wouldn't let me help him until I helped you.
Elena: Oh my god. _______1_______ They said it was a miracle.
Stefan: I went back for them. But it was too late. I couldn't... _____2______ When I pulled you out, I looked at your face. You looked like Katherine. I couldn't believe the resemblance. ______3______ I watched you. ______4_______ And I saw that you were nothing like Katherine.And I wanted to leave town, but, Elena, I couldn't. I couldn't leave without knowing you. I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you. I wanted to. But you were so sad.
Elena: Why do I look like her?
Stefan: Elena, you've been through so much.
Elena: Why do I look like her, Stefan? What are you not telling me?
Stefan: It didn't make any sense to me. You were a Gilbert. She was a Pierce. But the resemblance was too similar. And then I learned the truth. You were adopted, Elena.


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