返回 【吸血鬼日记】第一季第十二集(5) Elena & Stefan


两个人又一次在总结这一天的神奇遭遇呢,还说到要怎么和Damon相处呢...... (*^__^*)

老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...
Stefan: Doin' ok?
Elena: Is it weird if I say yes?
Stefan: Is it true?
Elena: I should feel more upset or scared or something, but I... feel kind of exhilarated.
Stefan: It's the adrenaline. You'll crash soon enough.
Elena: Yeah, I guess. _________1_________ It felt good.
Stefan: I wish you didn't have to fight at all.
Elena: Still...
Stefan: I need to tell you something, and I don't know how you're gonna feel about it.
Elena: What?
Stefan: I told Damon that I'd help him get into that tomb to get Katherine back. But it was a lie. _______2________
Elena: Well, then why would you be worried about telling me?
Stefan: Because he can be very persuasive, and you two have bonded lately.
Elena: ________3_______ It's gonna take a lot more than just a road trip and a rescue for me to forget who Damon is and everyting he's done.
Stefan: I don't wanna be his enemy, Elena, but I can't let him do it.
Elena: Then don't, and _______4_________ Ok?
Stefan: Ok.



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